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Kamloops Infant Development society
Gross Motor
Gross Motor
Gross Motor development involves the larger, stronger muscle groups of the body. In early childhood, it is the development of these muscles that enable the baby to hold his/her head up, sit, crawl and eventually walk, run and skip.
Between the ages of 12–18 months, your toddler should:
- Start walking independently
- Attempt to run, or runs with stiff posture
- Squat down to pick something up
- Crawl up stairs and creep back down
- Step on stationary ball when trying to kick the ball
- Seat self on small chair
- Pull a toy behind themselves while walking
- Throw underhand when sitting
Between the ages of 18 months – 2 years, your toddler should:
- Walk up and down the stairs while holding your hand
- Run fairly well
- Jump with feet together, clearing the floor
- Jump down and forwards
- Squat to play
- Stand on tiptoe with support
- Start to use ride-on toys
- Throw a ball into a box
- Kick a ball forwards
Between the ages of 2 – 2 ½ years, your toddler should:
- Stand on tiptoes if shown first
- Jump from bottom step
- Begin to ride a tricycle, moving forward with feet on the floor
- Stand on balance beam with 2 feet and attempt to step forward
- Catch a large ball with arms straight out
Between the ages of 2 ½ - 3 years, your toddler should:
- Stand on 1 foot momentarily
- Walk up the stairs alone with alternating feet
- Walk downstairs with 2 feet on same step
- Walk on tiptoe
- Start riding a tricycle using the pedals
- Catch a ball with arms bent
- Kick a ball forwards
Red Flags for Gross Motor Development (1–5 years)
If you notice or are concerned about some of the following things about your child, you may want to talk to your physician or another health professional.
- Child is not meeting developmental milestones
- Child walks on his/her toes all the time
- Child is excessively clumsy
- Something appears wrong with child’s legs and/or feet
- Child complains of persistent pain or fatigue
- Child’s skills are regressing
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